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Friday, February 10, 2017
 Automated Business Solutions has released a new appointment reminder system that is fully integrated with their PtMS Mobile scheduling software.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017
 GATRA teamed up with ABS to develop Ride Match, a web based tool that provides access to information about transportation options for seniors, individuals with disabilities, and anyone needing to travel in Massachusetts and beyond.

Sunday, January 15, 2017
 PtMS Mobile can now connect PtMS dispatch, scheduling and billing functions to mobile Android phones or tablet devices in the vehicles.

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Web Mail Backup


PtMS Web now supports a means for broker/users to backup all their web mail messages to a local folder on their workstation or a network folder.  The backup system provides an easy to read and browse html formatted report of all the emails and attachments.  Each message and attachment is listed as a link so users can click on the link to veiw their message or click on the attacment link to view the attachment.

How to Run the Web Mail Backup

Here are the steps a user needs to follow to backup their web mail.

1. Login and go to Administration page. 

2. At the very bottom of the Administration page where the links are listed above the broker's address, select the link to "Backup Web Mail".

3. The Backup Web Mail links will start the backup process which may take a few minutes to complete.  Once it's finished it will bring the user to a new screen with a download link that says "download file here".  This links is to a zip file that contains a backup of all your web mails and attachments.

4. Click on the link and save the zip file to your local hard drive.

5. Once its saved click open to open the zip file.  Select the option to extract the contents of the zip file to a local folder. You could select My Documents for example.

6. The extracted zip file will create a folder called \ptms_email_backup.  This folder will contain a folder called messages and another folder called messages\attachments.  It will also contain a file called emailbackup.html.  Click on this file to open up a report listing all of your backed up emails and attachements.

7.  The emailbackup.html report is formatted like this:  Date, Subject, Sender, Sent By, Attachment

The columns Subject and Attachment contain links to the message file and attachment files respectively.  If you click on the link it opens the web mail message or the attachment in a separate window.

Saving Backup Files

If you plan to periodically run this backup then save the zip files you download.  These contain a complete backup of your emails and attachment and can easily be extracted if you need to go back to a previous backup.

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