Revised 07/14/09
This backup system is designed to supplement but not replace your file server backup system which should be backing up your SQL Server Folder and database.
PtMS Backup Setup Instructions:
1. Create a folder C:\ptms_bu on the workstation you will run the backup on.
2. Create a scheduled task for the program
c:\program files\abs\ptmsaccess2007\PtMS_Backup.accdb
This program will backup up the SQL ptms database to an Access2007 database in the c:\ptms_bu folder. The file will be compressed into a *.RAR archive format.
If you want a copy of this backup folder to reside on your server setup a scheduled task for a batch file - for example, ptmsback.bat that includes the command:
Copy c:\ptms_bu\*.* <Network Driver backup folder>